Conference calls are an economical way to meet with people, both on and off campus. They are an easy, effective way of cutting travel time and expenses, allowing participants to work from their own offices or wherever they can be most productive.
Web conferencing combines telephone conference calls with the use of a Web browser to share viewing of presentations and documents. By allowing all conference participants to view the same thing at the same time, web conferences can improve discussions, presentations, and explanations. Questions and answers are simpler and easier.
UC has signed a system-wide agreement with ReadyTalk to provide teleconferencing services to UC campuses. Service options include inexpensive, reservationless conference calling, as well as higher-end operator-assisted conference calls. Both kinds allow Web conferencing at no additional cost.
IAT-NACS has preapared a quick how-to guide for use of ReadyTalk conferencing services. Individuals and departments who wish to take advantage of this new option can call ReadyTalk directly, and pay for the service with the UCI PALcard.