Duncan Phillips
Duncan Phillips has joined NACS Departmental and Distributed Computing Support (DDCS) as a system administrator, responsible for support of Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as some Civil Engineering and Physics clients. Duncan worked for NACS as he was completing his undergraduate degree here at UCI, and has demonstrated a rare combination of technical skill, quickness at learning, and warm interpersonal skills. We are happy to welcome him to the group.
Duncan replaces Sinclair Fleming, who has left NACS for a job in the communications industry.
Rick Colman
Rick Colman comes to us as part of a special arrangement with Dave Schetter and University/Industry Research and Technology (UIRT). Rick has been employed for several years as a highly skilled designer and engineer of commercial World Wide Web sites, and will be plying his skills on behalf of the UC-ACCESS project. UC-ACCESS is a UCOP-sponsored effort at UCI to communicate information about UC faculty research and UC programs which could be of use to California business and industry as part of UCOP’s technology transfer program.
Kim Carpenter
Kim Carpenter has joined the NACS’ Business Office as an Administrative Assistant. Kim is no stranger to the UC system, having worked at UC San Diego for 5 years and most recently at UC Riverside. She also worked for the Navy Purchasing department for several years. Kim brings lots of good administrative expertise with her, and we are glad to have her on board.