NACS provides and supports various computing resources and services for the UCI community. One noteworthy computing resource, GradEA, has been developed for the exclusive use of UCI graduate students. The intent is to provide graduate students with access to high-speed CPUs, large-data storage capacity, and advanced software.
GradEA consists of 11 dual-CPU Intel Xeon 2.0 GHz nodes, running the Red Hat Linux 8.0 operating system. The most recent hardware upgrade to GradEA occurred in January of this year and more are planned for the coming year. Software available on GradEA includes: Mathematica 4.2, MATLAB 6.5, IDL 5.4, SAS, IMSL, S+/R, the Portland Group compiler suite, MPICH (aka MPI) and Open PBS.
Programs on GradEA can be run in a single, or multi-CPU mode; the cluster network is interconnected by Gigabit ethernet. Users also have access to a disk-storage workspace of 700GB (Gigabytes).
By default, all graduate students have accounts on the GradEA cluster; try logging into with your UCInetID and password. Further information is available at: