The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC — and UC have been discussing a possible new network infrastructure. The intent is to facilitate ad-hoc, point-to-point, gigabit research network connections among UC campuses and other institutions (including Stanford and USC) connected to CENIC’s High Performance Research (HPR) Network.
This new infrastructure would parallel the existing production network links and could provide two distinctive services: dedicated, low-latency bandwidth to researchers’ labs for special applications, and optical connections for network protocol development or similar activities.
A Zotmail to all faculty recently went out to identify those with needs in this area. Faculty input is sought to guide NACS on how to proceed and at what priority relative to other network needs. For more information, please join the discussion mailing list .
Meanwhile, if you transfer research data sets over the network, and the speed of doing so is impeding your work, we want to hear from you. Please contact NACS at x42222 or email .