- This summer, UCI will be closing the fiscal year with a new enterprise financial system. Sign up to get fiscal closing updates by going to maillists.uci.edu and subscribing to KFS-Update.
- Faculty and staff getting their email or calendar through OIT’s Exchange service are being migrated to Microsoft’s O365 cloud service. Of almost 6400 accounts, about 3500 (56%) have already been converted. The balance will be completed by the end of 2015.
- Webfiles will get a security upgrade this week. Users with current web browsers will be unaffected.
Software License
In Brief March 2015
- Did you know the OIT Web site has a comment feature? Click on “Site Feedback” to help us improve our on-line information.
- Researchers are invited to join OIT’s new Research IT forum, available as a blog on UCI Sites and as a mailing list.
- The Virtual Computer Lab (VCL) allows UCI students, faculty, and staff to access university-licensed computer applications via the Internet.
Now You Know – NACS Web site resources
The NACS Web site (www.nacs.uci.edu) allows faculty and staff to gain easy access to information about computing and networking services. This article surveys some of its features, but there are many more you can discover on your own.
Downtimes and problems report
The top item in the left-hand navigation is a “Systems Status” alert box. In it you can find which NACS services and resources have known problems, and any information we have about when to expect resolution.
Blocked list
The number one quick link in the right hand navigation bar is the “Blocked Systems List.” When a computer at UCI is being denied access to UCInet (and the Internet) because it represents a threat to the other systems on campus, it will be found in this list. If you are ever affected by this, NACS is ready to work with you to correct the problem.
A little further down on the list of top quick links is NACS’s “Knowledgebase – FAQ”, a collection of frequently-asked questions and answers, updated as issues of interest change.
Campus software licenses
The campus has arranged for discount licensing of a wide variety of academic and productivity software. The campus “Software Licensing Database” is easily accessed from the list of top quick links.
My E-mail Options
The left hand navigation bar includes a list of “service tools,” quick access to key on-line resources. Among those tools is “My Email Options” which allows users of NACS Mailbox services to check their disk quota or configure their email service (setting up a vacation message or tuning the selectiveness of the spam filter).This is but a sample of the information and tools readily available through the NACS Web site http://www.nacs.uci.edu . If you have suggestions for other NACS online resources you would like convenient access to, please contact NACS.
Microsoft Purchase Deadline
Many departments at UCI participate in the UC/Microsoft software leasing program known as UC-MCCA. This is a program for acquiring up-to-date Microsoft software at aggressive discounts. For example, a license for Windows XP with Office is less than $40, compared to around $100 for the typical University license. The program allows software updates whenever new versions are released.
The program can only be used by entire organizational units, and costs are proportional to unit size (FTE). This makes the program particularly advantageous for departments with a large number of computers per person, such as units with computer labs. One downside is that this is a subscription (lease) program, and participating units must plan for recurring annual license costs.
This year’s orders under the UC-MCCA agreement must be placed by May 14. For details (package costs, program details, definition of FTE, etc.) or to consult on whether this program would be a benefit to your unit, please contact NACS.
Software Licensing at UCI
UCI faculty and staff have access to a wide range of discounts on software, including operating systems, business applications, and research software.
Because some of these licenses are available only to subscribing schools and departments, the Computing Support Coordinator in your department or school is the first person to contact for software license information.
NACS works through a number of agencies, including the UCOP Technical Acquisition Support (TAS) team, vendors, and resellers to explore license opportunities on behalf of UCI. If there is software you feel would be of value to large numbers of faculty or staff, please e-mail nacs@uci.edu
If you are not sure of the local contact in your school or department, please visit:
Information on most campus software licenses can be found at: