The newest instrument in the ever-expanding EEE toolbox is the online Survey Tool. The tool allows any instructor, TA, or staff member to create and compose a quick and easy survey and then target a specific audience for responses. Results can be analyzed online and in real time.
Any faculty or staff member with a UCInetID can create and publish a survey. Instructors who want to survey their class will find a link to the tool in their MyEEE / MyInstructorClasses module. Other UCI staff can access the Survey Tool from the ToolBox in EEE’s main page navigation bar or go directly to
A fill-in-the-form wizard guides you through each step of the way when you build a survey. Surveys can be reused or shared with a colleague. To make the survey address easy to remember, you can designate an alias, called a “Friendly URL”.
Surveys can be deployed to students in specified classes, research groups, or even to the general public, depending on the settings you choose. The tool generates e-mail and sends it to your target audience, containing a link to the survey.
Data results can be viewed, even as responses are coming in. You can review the results in a graphical display or download them as a spreadsheet.
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering began using the EEE Survey Tool immediately after it was launched to solicit feedback from industries in and around the community regarding eight engineering programs. Iris Adam, Senior Analyst for HSSoE, reported that one survey was sent to two hundred people, and results came in very quickly. “By the time we returned from lunch, we already had 14 responses. We were very excited. We never had this fast of a turn-around time when we were mailing out bulky, paper surveys,” said Adam, who has just finished overseeing the school’s 4th major survey.
NACS has created an example survey to illustrate the tool. You are invited to check it out at