Vulnerability Assessment is a valuable portion of an overall process to ensure the security of hosts on a network. OIT provides software and services to the campus to assist with the vulnerability assessment process.
Usually done hand-in-hand with risk assessment (i.e., the potential loss to the University in the event of unauthorized access), vulnerability assessment at UCI can be applied to a single system or a group of related computers. Items to check in such a vulnerability assessment include directory and file permissions, user account and password policies, and current operating system patches.
Some tools are available at no cost to interested individuals to download and employ such as Microsoft’s Baseline Security Analyzer. Other tools require specialized expertise, such as McAfee Foundstone which OIT licenses.
In addition to scanning a computer internally for vulnerability, OIT can assess the security of a computer’s configuration from the point of view of the network and remote users. Items to check in a network based vulnerability assessment include installed and running services, and local firewall settings.
More information is available at the OIT Security Team’s Vulnerability Assessment page.