Administrative Policies and Records, working with OIT, has developed and released a new edition of Zotmail, the campus system for sending email announcements to faculty and staff.
Among the many features of the new Zotmail system are an easy-to-use interface (senders can more easily create and customize messages; everyone else can more easily control which Zotmail messages they receive) and a searchable archive for looking up past Zotmail releases.
Zotmail Lists
All employees are added to the Zotmail system as soon as their payroll records are created and the employee has selected an email service (“delivery point”). Employees are automatically enrolled in a core set of official communications channels related to their affiliation (e.g., faculty, staff, main campus, School of Medicine), lists for Schools and other campus units, and certain other informative lists including:
- Staff Assembly
- UCI Brief
- UCI in the News
- UC Irvine Magazine
Employees can then use the Zotmail system to modify the lists they receive messages from. There are certain lists (emergency communications and mandatory information relating to employment at the university) from which you cannot unsubscribe.
Mailman Lists
Many of the lists that were part of the old Zotmail system are now supported by the Mailman service, which is better suited to special-interest forums such as:
- Arboretum
- Bren Events Center
- Campus Recreation
- Environmental Health & Safety-Newsletter
- Health-E Mail
- Human Resources-Benefits Workshops & Spotlight
- OEOD e-news
- The UCI Bookstore – Special Sale & Promotional Events
- UC Learning Center Educational Opportunities
- University Extension
- Wellness
For more information on Zotmail and campus mailing lists, contact or call x42222.