Did you know that NACS has a wide variety of telephone sets and related features available to the campus? We are here to serve your individual department’s needs. We are happy to make a site visit to your department to review your service needs and to help you select the features that can make your job easier. If you have the services you need, but are unsure of how to use the telephone and voice mail systems to the fullest extent, we offer training free of charge. Please contact NACS Telephone Customer Service at (949) 82-5123 to request a consultation or to sign up for training.
Departments using 800Mhz radios as part of their daily communications can benefit greatly from a consultation with our 800Mhz radio system specialist. He will meet with you to review the current programming in your radios, and he will ask questions to determine what programming changes would enhance the functionality of your radios specific to your department needs. In addition, we offer training from the basic daily use of the radio system, including handy system features, as well as specialized training for radio use in an emergency. Please contact Brian Chrisman at (949) 82-5123 for more information.